Volgt het leven in de keuken van een restaurant in New York, waar culturen van over de hele wereld samenkomen tijdens de lunchdrukte.


“There’s a surging life force felt in every scene of Alonso Ruizpalacios’ superbly acted La Cocina — at times ebullient but more often on edge, if not careening dangerously toward disaster or violence.” Hollywood Reporter
“A chaotic symphony of nearly two dozen characters, this black-and-white indie confection (garnished with sparing touches of color) mixes biting social critique with stylistic bravura.” Variety


Berlinale 2024


Release: 5 december 2024
Regie: Alonso Ruizpalacios
Cast: Raúl Briones, Rooney Mara, Anna Díaz
Originele Taal: Spaans, Engels
MX/US – 2024 – 139 min.
